Web Design
The following are some examples of custom websites designed and built by Wolfhaus Design. We specialize in building websites using WordPress. WordPress is dynamic content management software that powers famous sites such as Ebay, The New York Times and Best Buy.
Responsive Website Design
ECommerce Websites
Search Engine Optimization
Web Design Projects
Please browse some of our web design projects below and contact us when you’re ready to get started building yours!
Mediterranea Seawater
WordPress website showcasing the variety and benefits of a number of seawater-based products.
Zumo Juice
Graphically stunning WordPress website for a unique line of artisan juices.
Babe's Boats
Ecommerce enabled website using WordPress and WooCommerce for a boat care product retailer.
WordPress website depicting the benefits of a new market player in consumer hydration products.
Interactive WordPress website for a group of therapists in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Makor Marin
A WordPress website highlighting upcoming events and donations for a local community organization.